The topic of engaging in sexual activity post a medical abortion procedure raises concerns among patients. It is common for women to share the same inquiries:

Is engaging in sexual activity allowed after a Medical Abortion or not?

What is the length of time for sexual abstinence, if any?

On what does this duration depend?

We should attempt to respond to these undoubtedly significant inquiries.

Following a medical abortion (as well as any other form of abortion), the inner lining of the uterus is left injured. The cervix stays open for several days, creating an easy pathway for microorganisms to infiltrate from external sources.

Ending a pregnancy can result in hormonal imbalances, which consequently weaken the immune system and pave the way for diverse inflammatory as well as hormonal complications.

Engaging in vaginal or anal intercourse involves a mechanical effect on the uterus, which can allow harmful bacteria to enter its cavity. This could potentially result in severe inflammatory complications including endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis and adnexitis as well as pelvioperitonitis. As these conditions are serious, it is necessary to adhere to medical advice given by your doctor.

Which sexual activities are not allowed?

Following a medical abortion, some sexual activities are prohibited. These include instances where direct genital and/or anal contact with a partner occurs. However, other forms of sexual activity that fall within reasonable limits are permissible (bearing in mind intense physical exertion is not allowed during the initial weeks after an abortion).

Furthermore, it is recommended for women to abstain from experiencing sexual climax or orgasms due to the natural suction that occurs in the cervix during this process and can potentially remove contents from the posterior vaginal fornix. This may cause purulent-inflammatory complications after undergoing a medical abortion for the first time.

After a medical abortion, what is the recommended period of abstinence from sexual activity?

If a woman chooses to undergo a medical abortion, she must be prepared for abstinence from sexual activity for 2-3 weeks after taking Misoprostol. Nevertheless, the length of time may vary and can be determined through observation of blood discharges – when it stops completely, counting should begin with at least two more weeks. Once this period elapses, all forms of sexual intercourse are permitted; however until her next menstrual cycle arrives, condoms must always be worn by the partner in addition to any other contraception methods they usually practice together.

The suggestions apply solely to situations where there are no irregularities during medical abortion.

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